Prenatal care is the health care women get when they are pregnant. Women who see a health care provider regularly during pregnancy have healthier babies and are less likely to have pregnancy complications. Mothers with unknown prenatal care are excluded from the denominator in calculating the percentage.
Prenatal care (PNC) visits provide benefits to both the mother and baby and are used to monitor the progress of a pregnancy. To achieve the greatest benefit for both the mother and baby, it is recommended that women begin PNC visits in the first trimester of pregnancy or as soon as pregnancy is suspected or confirmed. Early PNC allows health care providers to identify potential problems as early as possible so they can be prevented or treated before they become serious. Ensuring that all women receive early and adequate PNC is a top maternal and child health priority. Public health programs emphasize access to early PNC services for teens, women with less than a high school education, and Black and Hispanic women.
In 2022, in Alachua County, the percent of births with known pnc status that were Births to Mothers With No Prenatal Care (All) was 2.2 compared to Florida at 3.2. Since the oldest age of the mother at birth varies, an ending age of 999 is used to retrieve all records up to and including the oldest age.
The map illustrates county data by quartile. A quartile map is presented when there are at least 51 counties with data for this measure.
Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
This is primary, quantitative data.
Chart will display if there are at least three years of data.
Multi-year counts are a sum of the selected years, not an average.
Use caution when interpreting rates and ratios based on small numbers of events. Rates and ratios are considered unstable if they are based on fewer than 5 cases or if the denominator (population at risk) is fewer than 20. An erratic trend line illustrates this instability.
Quartiles are calculated when data are available for at least 51 counties.
Population - Rates are calculated using July 1 population estimates from the Florida Legislature, Office of Economic and Demographic Research which have been allocated by race based on information from the US Bureau of the Census. The population data for 2011-2021, along with rates affected by the population data, was updated on FLHealthCHARTS in November 2017. It is customary to periodically revise population estimates based on new information, such as a census or new mid-course census estimates for prior years. Revising these estimates ensures accurate accounting of the racial, ethnic, and gender distribution of the population. These changes affect the population data and rates calculated for your community.
These data are only for pregnancies that end with a live birth.
MOV - Measure of Variability: Probable range of values resulting from random fluctuations in the number of events. Not calculated when numerator is below 5 or denominator is below 20, or count or rate is suppressed. The MOV is useful for comparing rates to a goal or standard. For example, if the absolute difference between the county rate and the statewide rate is less than the MOV, the county rate is not significantly different from the statewide rate (alpha level = 0.05). When the absolute difference between the county rate and the statewide rate is greater than the MOV, the county rate is significantly different from the statewide rate. MOV should not be used to determine if the rates of two different counties, or the county rates for two different years, are statistically significantly different.
denom - abbreviated for Denominator.
Population estimates are not available for persons whose county of residence is unknown. Given this, the denominator and associated rate are not available.
* - Indicates the county rate is statistically significantly different from the statewide rate.
Enter "0" through "999" for all ages. "999" represents unknown age. Specify "85" through "126" for ages 85 and over.