CHARTS Update List - (As of 01/21/2025)

Added = New features, brand new indicators or new reports.
Released = New year of data making existing content more current.
Updated = Changed data, version of document or feature.

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1/15/2025AddedAdded 32 new hospital and emergency department visit indicators for 8 different types of rare diseases. Rare Diseases
1/15/2025AddedAdded 8 new hospital and emergency department visit indicators for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.  Irritable Bowel Disease
1/15/2025UpdatedUpdated the Non-Fatal Injury Dashboard to algin with the current CHARTS design standards.  Non-Fatal Injury Dashboard
1/15/2025ReleasedReleased the 2018-2022 5-year estimates from the U.S. Census American Community Survey data on indicator pages and within several profile and dashboard reports.  American Community Survey
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased the 2023 state level data for the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey.  BRFSS
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased the 2024 state level FYSAS survey data.  Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey (FYSAS)
12/10/2024AddedAdded a new indicator: Baker Act Involuntary Examinations Baker Act Involuntary Examinations
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased the FY 2023-24 count of clients with developmental disabilities. Developmentally Disabled Clients
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 NICU II and NICU III bed data from Agency for Health Care Administration. NICU
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 data on the number of children covered by Medikids.  Children Covered by Medikids (Aged 1-4)
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 data on monthly Medicaid enrollment.  Monthly Medicaid Enrollment
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased FDLE crime data for 2023.The update provides counts by county for each indicator: Murder, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Larceny, Motor Vehicle Theft, Index Crime, Violent Crime, Forcible Sex Offences, Domestic Violence, Adult Drug Arrests, Juvenile Drug Arrests, Drug Arrests. Crime
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 data for the number of Youths Arrested and the number of Arrests, Aged 10-17 from the Department of Juvenile Justice.  Arrests
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased the 2021 estimates of the percent of population with severe housing problems. Population With Severe Housing Problems
12/10/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 vital statistics data (birth, death, fetal death, infant death, marriage and dissolution of marriage) in all reports, query systems, and indicator pages. 
11/26/2024ReleasedReleased HIV Diagnosis, AIDS Diagnosis and Persons Living with HIV, HIV Continuum of Care and HIV Related Death data for 2023 within the Ending the Epidemic (EHE) Dashboard. Ending the Epidemic (EHE) Dashboard
11/7/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 HPV vaccine completion and initiation data. Human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Initiation and Completion
9/13/2024UpdatedUpdated the ICD codes for all measures to ensure format consistency.  
9/12/2024ReleasedReleased the 2023 Merlin data for all Reportable and Infectious Disease indicators.  Reportable and Infectious Diseases
9/12/2024ReleasedReleased data for sexually transmitted diseases (STD) for 2023. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
9/12/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 emergency room data for all indicators. Emergency Department Visits
9/12/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 hospitalization data for all indicators. Hospitalizations
8/30/2024ReleasedReleased 2023 data on children receiving mental health treatment. Children Receiving Mental Health Treatment Services (Aged 1-5 Years)
8/30/2024ReleasedReleased the 2023 school year data on the ratio of students to school nurses (Pre-K - 12th). Student-Nurse Ratio in School
8/16/2024ReleasedReleased the 2023 quarters 1 and 2 data for opioid and all drug overdose deaths in the Substance Use Dashboard. Substance Use Dashboard