Child Health Status Profile, County, Florida|
Socio-Demographics | | | | | | | |
Total Population | Count | 2023 | | | 291,459 | | 22,685,583 |
Population (Aged 0-20 Years) | Count | 2023 | | | 77,869 | | 5,169,814 |
White White | Percent | 2023 | | | 48,857 | 62.7% | 69.1% |
Black Black | Percent | 2023 | | | 19,368 | 24.9% | 22% |
Other Other | Percent | 2023 | | | 9,644 | 12.4% | 8.9% |
Hispanic Hispanic | Percent | 2023 | | | 10,102 | 13% | 32% |
Non-Hispanic Non-Hispanic | Percent | 2023 | | | 67,766 | 87% | 68% |
Median Household Income | Dollar | 2018-22 | 3rd Quartile3 | |
| $57,566 | $67,917 |
Individuals Below Poverty Level | Percent | 2018-22 | 4th Quartile4 | | 53,070 | 20.2% | 12.9% |
Families Below Poverty Level With Related Children (Aged 0-17 Years) | Percent | 2018-22 | 2nd Quartile2 | |
| 12.8% | 14.4% |
Unemployed Civilian Labor Force | Percent | 2018-22 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 7,111 | 5.1% | 5% |
Individuals With No High School Diploma (Aged 25 Years and Older) | Percent | 2018-22 | 1st Quartile1 | |
| 6.4% | 10.7% |
Health Status and Access to Care | | | | | | | |
Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations From Asthma (Aged 0-4 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 4th Quartile4 | | | 697.4 | 487.4 |
Population Non-Institutionalized Civilians With Health Insurance | Percent | 2018-22 | 1st Quartile1 | |
| 92.1% | 87.7% |
Children Without Health Insurance (Aged 0-18 Years) | Percent | 2018-22 | 1st Quartile1 | |
| 4.7% | 7.5% |
Florida Children's Medical Services (CMS) Clients | Percent | 2021-23 | | 1st Quartile1 | 3,266 | 1.4% | 2.3% |
Infants and Toddlers Served by Early Steps (Aged 0-2 Years) | Percent | 2021-23 | | 2nd Quartile2 | 533 | 35.5% | 46.9% |
Medical Foster Care Children | Count | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | 4 | | 360 |
Adults Who Said Their Overall Health Was Good to Excellent | Percent | 2019 | | |
| 88.8% | 80.3% |
Licensed Florida Family Practice Physicians | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | 86 | 29.5 | 13.3 |
Licensed Florida Dentists | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | 315 | 108.1 | 61.5 |
Licensed Florida Pediatricians | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | 157 | 53.9 | 16.5 |
Behavioral/Mental Health Professionals | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | 713 | 244.6 | 133.2 |
Licensed Psychologists | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | 222 | 76.2 | 23.9 |
Student-Nurse Ratio in School (Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade) | Students per nurse | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | |
| 1,072.7 | 2,414.7 |
Monthly Medicaid Enrollment | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | | 2nd Quartile2 | 44,110 | 15,134.2 | 19,043.1 |
Births to Mothers With 1st Trimester Prenatal Care | Percent | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 5,670 | 78.6% | 71.7% |
Infant Mortality (Aged 0-364 Days) | Per 1,000 live births | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 57 | 7.3 | 6.0 |
Child Mortality (Aged 5-19 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 42 | 26.5 | 29.8 |
Immunization Levels in Kindergarten | Percent | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 6,736 | 92.6% | 91.8% |
Emergency Room Visits (Aged 5-19 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | 15,735 | 28,508.0 | 36,509.5 |
Hospitalizations From or With Asthma as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 4th Quartile4 | | | 636.4 | 308.4 |
Hospitalizations From or With Asthma as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 4th Quartile4 | | | 704.9 | 431.4 |
Hospitalizations From or With Diabetes as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | | 29.6 | 39.7 |
Hospitalizations From or With Diabetes as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | | 64.1 | 116.0 |
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Diagnoses (Aged 13-19 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | | | 4 | 4.5 | 7.3 |
Social and Physical Environment | | | | | | | |
Children in Single-Parent Households (Aged 0-17 Years) | Percent | 2018-22 | 3rd Quartile3 | |
| 29.8% | 27.9% |
Children in Foster Care (Aged 0-17 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 245 | 472.2 | 482.8 |
Child Food Insecurity Rate | Percent | 2021 | 2nd Quartile2 | |
| 13.5% | 14.3% |
Racial Residential Segregation | Index | 2016-20 | 1st Quartile1 | |
| 0.4 | 0.5 |
Population With Severe Housing Problems | Percent | 2017-21 | 2nd Quartile2 | |
| 12.4% | 14.3% |
Violent Crimes | Per 100,000 population | 2023 | 4th Quartile4 | | 584 | 200.4 | 150.7 |
High School Students Who Did Not Go to School Because They Felt They Would Be Unsafe at School or on Their Way to School in the Past 30 Days | Percent | 2022 | 4th Quartile4 | |
| 14.1% | 10.1% |
Middle School Students Who Did Not Go to School Because They Felt They Would Be Unsafe at School or on Their Way to School in the Past 30 Days | Percent | 2022 | | 2nd Quartile2 |
| 9.5% | 10.1% |
Deaths From Homicide (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | | | 1 | 1.6 | 0.6 |
Deaths From Homicide (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | | | 7 | 9.4 | 6.8 |
Deaths From Homicide (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | | | 8 | 10.6 | 16.6 |
Deaths From Suicide (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | | | 4 | 5.4 | 5.5 |
Deaths From Suicide (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | | | 7 | 9.3 | 12.9 |
Children Experiencing Child Abuse (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 243 | 398.5 | 483.8 |
Children Experiencing Sexual Violence (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 31 | 50.8 | 42.0 |
Childhood Risks and Behaviors | | | | | | | |
Students Absent 21+ Days From School (Kindergarten - 12th Grade) | Percent | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | |
| 18.7% | 19.4% |
High School Students Who Were Physically Active for at Least 60 Minutes on All Seven of the Past Seven Days | Percent | 2022 | 2nd Quartile2 | |
| 22% | 19% |
Middle School Students Who Were Physically Active for at Least 60 Minutes on All Seven of the Past Seven Days | Percent | 2022 | | 2nd Quartile2 |
| 25.1% | 21.5% |
High School Students Who Are Underweight | Percent | 2022 | 4th Quartile4 | |
| 6.1% | 4.6% |
Middle School Students Who Are Underweight | Percent | 2022 | | 2nd Quartile2 |
| 3.2% | 4.3% |
Students Who Are Overweight or Obese | Percent | 2022 | | 2nd Quartile2 |
| 31.1% | 31.7% |
High School Students Who Are Current Cigarette Smokers (Smoked in the Past 30 Days) | Percent | 2022 | 2nd Quartile2 | |
| 1.3% | 1.7% |
Middle School Students Who Are Current Cigarette Smokers (Smoked in the Past 30 Days) | Percent | 2022 | | 4th Quartile4 |
| 2.5% | 0.8% |
Births (Mothers Aged 13-20 Years) | Per 1,000 females ages 13-20 | 2021-23 | | 1st Quartile1 | 483 | 8.1 | 13.6 |
Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) (Aged 13-20 Years) | Per 1,000 ages 13-20 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 3,561 | 31.0 | 22.2 |
Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disability (Kindergarten - 12th Grade) | Percent | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 78 | 0.3% | 0.4% |
Out of School Suspensions (Kindergarten - 12th Grade) | Per 1,000 K-12 Students | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 2,445 | 85.4 | 68.9 |
School Environmental Safety Incidents | Per 1,000 K-12 Students | 2023 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 1,826 | 63.8 | 42.9 |
Youths Arrested | Per 1,000 population | 2023 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 510 | 21.3 | 13.1 |
Arrests (Aged 10-17 Years) | Per 1,000 population | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 2,138 | 31.3 | 18.5 |
Juvenile Drug Arrests | Per 100,000 population | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 84 | 122.8 | 159.1 |