Social and Mental Health

Behavioral health refers to mental health and substance use disorders, life stressors and crises, and stress-related physical symptoms. Behavioral health care refers to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of those conditions. 1 Data in this report summarize annual statistics about behavioral health outcomes, complications and service availability. Graphs and tables below compare county and Florida data.

Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
Data Source: Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (HSMV)
Data Source: Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)
Social and Mental Health, Alachua County, Florida
IndicatorsYear(s)Measure TypeQuartile 
County NumberCounty RateState Rate
Crime and Domestic Violence 2
Index Crimes2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population35,036587.3484.2
Larceny2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population31,797209.6191.2
Burglary2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population3957111.694.3
Aggravated Assault2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population31,077125.6103.4
Motor Vehicle Theft2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population350458.846.9
Robbery2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population432638.027.3
Rape2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population421925.510.2
Murder2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population414917.410.4
Forcible Sex Offenses2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population421925.510.2
Domestic Violence Offenses2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population32,544296.7309.1
Alcohol-suspected Motor Vehicle Crashes 3
Alcohol Confirmed Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes2020-22 Rate Per 100,000 Population115418.422.6
Alcohol Confirmed Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Injuries2020-22 Rate Per 100,000 Population18910.613.2
Alcohol Confirmed Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Fatalities2020-22 Rate Per 100,000 Population2182.21.8
Suicide 4
Deaths From Suicide2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population112214.215.4
Mental Disorders 5
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population4104281,216.1928.0
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders (Aged 0-17 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population31406915.9704.7
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders (Aged 18-21 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population2881894.51,222.9
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders (Aged 22-24 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population2638813.31,199.5
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders (Aged 25-44 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population437571,662.21,270.1
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders (Aged 45-64 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population426541,562.81,013.8
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders (Aged 65-74 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population4750953.2591.0
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders (Aged 75 Years and Older)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population4342650.8420.3
Hospitalizations From Mood and Depressive Disorders2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population44183487.8426.5
Hospitalizations From Schizophrenic Disorders2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population41895221.0232.0
Hospitalizations From Mental Disorders, Except Drug and Alcohol-Induced Mental Disorders2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population46761788.4714.3
Emergency Department Visits From Mental Disorders2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population15848682.0933.3
Emergency Department Visits From Mental Disorders (Aged 0-17 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population1377245.6367.2
Emergency Department Visits From Mental Disorders (Aged 18 Years and Older)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population15471777.11,070.4
Emergency Department Visits From Mental Disorders, Except Drug and Alcohol-Induced Mental Disorders2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population12762322.1535.4
Hospitalizations From or With Eating Disorders as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 12-18 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population4126169.771.2
Hospitalizations From or With Eating Disorders as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 19-21 Years)2021-23 Rate Per 100,000 Population2938.528.2
Mental Health Status and Complications 6, 7
Adults Who Have a Cognitive Disability 2019 Percent 9.712.9
Adults Who Had Poor Mental Health on 14 or More of the Past 30 Days2019 Percent11.113.8
Adults Who Have Ever Been Told They Had a Depressive Disorder2019 Percent16.717.7
Adults Whose Poor Physical or Mental Health Kept Them From Doing Usual Activities on 14 or More of the Past 30 Days Among Adults Who Have Had at Least One Day of Poor Mental or Physical Health2019 Percent13.018.3
Adults With Good Mental Health2019 Percent188.986.2
Average Number of Unhealthy Mental Days in the Past 30 Days2019 Days4.14.4
Average Number of Days Where Poor Mental or Physical Health Interfered With Activities of Daily Living in the Past 30 Days Among Adults Who Have Had at Least One Day of Poor Mental or Physical Health2019 Days4.35.6
Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disability (Kindergarten - 12th Grade)2021-23 Percent of K-12 Students22730.30.4
Students Who, in the Past Year, Did Something to Purposely Hurt Themselves Without Wanting to Die2022 Percent of Students Aged 11-1717.414.1
Students Who, in the Past Year, Felt Sad or Hopeless for Two or More Weeks in a Row and Stopped Doing Usual Activities2022 Percent of Students Aged 11-1736.531.4
Students Who Have Felt Depressed or Sad on Most Days2023 Percent of Students Aged 11-1743.7
2/11/2025 3:01:14 AM

Data Note(s)

  • is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.

  • Rates per 100,000 are age-adjusted using the year 2000 standard population.

  • Green, yellow, orange and red county quartiles represent the most to the least favorable situation (1st to 4th quartile). Light to dark blue county quartiles represent density from lowest to highest (1st to 4th).

  • Data Sources

  • 1 American Medical Association, What is behavioral health?

  • 2 Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)

  • 3 Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (HSMV)

  • 4 Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics

  • 5 Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)

  • 6 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Behavioral Health Barometer: Florida

  • 7 Florida Department of Health, Division of Community Health Promotion, Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey (FYSAS) and Florida Youth Tobacco Survey (FYTS)