FLHealthCharts.gov is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.
The Leading Causes of Death Profile uses a denominator of total population to calculate the rates for each cause of death. For Sex/Race/Ethnicity groupings within each cause of death, the denominator is the population estimate for that specific sex, race, or ethnicity.
Causes of death listed in this report represent the 30 leading causes among all of Florida’s resident deaths.
Data for 1999 and subsequent years are not fully comparable to data from 1998 and prior years, due to changes in coding of causes of deaths resulting from the switch from the ninth revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD9) to the tenth revision (ICD10).
Age-adjusted death rates are computed using the year 2000 standard population.
YPLL = Years of Potential Life Lost
Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics