Before Pregnancy

Before Pregnancy - 2020
Listing of Indicators for the Selected YearOverall
Pre-Pregnancy Birth Control Use
Women Who Were Using Birth Control Prior to Pregnancy (PRAMS)41.2 (36.2 - 46.4)
Pre-Pregnancy Health Behaviors
Women Who Smoked Any Cigarettes in the Past Two Years (PRAMS)15 (12.5 - 17.9)
Women Who Smoked Cigarettes in the Three Months Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)12.4 (10.1 - 15.2)
Women Who Used Any E-Cigarettes or Other Electronic Nicotine Products in the Past Two Years (PRAMS)7.1 (5.3 - 9.4)
Women Who Used Hookah in the Past Two Years (PRAMS)6.5 (4.9 - 8.7)
Women Who Used Chewing Tobacco or Snuff in the Past Two Years (PRAMS)0.2 (0 - 1.2)
Women Who Used Cigars in the Past Two Years (PRAMS)2.8 (1.8 - 4.4)
Women Who Used E-Cigarettes or Other Electronic Nicotine Products in the Three Months Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)4.4 (3 - 6.3)
Women Who Had Any Alcoholic Drinks in the Past Two Years (PRAMS)70 (66.4 - 73.4)
Women Who Had Any Alcoholic Drinks in the Three Months Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)59.6 (55.8 - 63.3)
Women Who Took a Vitamin Containing Folic Acid One or More Times per Week Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)46.9 (43.1 - 50.7)
Women Who Took a Vitamin Containing Folic Acid Four or More Times per Week Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)40.1 (36.4 - 43.9)
Women Who Were Exercising Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)44.3 (40.6 - 48.2)
Women Who Were Regularly Taking Prescription Medications Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)21.9 (18.9 - 25.3)
Women Who Talked to a Health Care Worker About Their Family Medical History Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)38.6 (34.9 - 42.4)
Pre-Pregnancy Health Care
Women Who Had Any Health Care Visits Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)59.6 (55.8 - 63.3)
Women Who Had a Health Care Visit for Family Planning or Birth Control Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)19.8 (16.1 - 24.2)
Women Who Had a Health Care Visit for Teeth Cleaning Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)57.6 (52.7 - 62.4)
Women Who Had a Health Care Visit for a Regular Checkup Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)61.5 (56.5 - 66.2)
Women Who Had a Health Care Visit for an Illness or Chronic Condition Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)15.9 (12.6 - 20)
Women Who Had a Health Care Visit for an Injury Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)6.1 (4.1 - 9)
Women Who Had a Health Care Visit for Depression or Anxiety Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)11.1 (8.4 - 14.5)
Women Who Had a Health Care Visit for a Regular OB/GYN Checkup Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)69.5 (64.8 - 73.8)
Women Who Were Checked for Diabetes Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)22.1 (19.1 - 25.4)
Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Counseling
Women Who Were Told to Take a Vitamin With Folic Acid During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)35 (30.3 - 40)
Women Who Had a Health Care Worker Talk to Them About Maintaining a Healthy Weight During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)46.6 (41.6 - 51.6)
Women Who Had a Health Care Worker Talk to Them About Controlling Any Medical Conditions During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)16.2 (12.9 - 20.2)
Women Who Had a Health Care Worker Talk to Them About Their Desire to Have or Not Have Children During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)48.8 (43.8 - 53.8)
Women Who Had a Health Care Worker Talk to Them About Using Birth Control to Prevent Pregnancy During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)44.5 (39.6 - 49.6)
Women Who Had a Health Care Worker Talk to Them About How They Could Improve Their Health Before a Pregnancy During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)35.3 (30.6 - 40.3)
Women Who Had a Health Care Worker Talk to Them About Sexually Transmitted Infections Such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea or Syphilis During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)35 (30.3 - 39.9)
Women Who Were Asked if They Were Smoking Cigarettes During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)76.4 (71.9 - 80.3)
Women Who Were Asked if Anyone Was Hurting Them Emotionally or Physically During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)54.3 (49.2 - 59.3)
Women Who Were Asked if They Were Feeling Down or Depressed During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)58.2 (53.1 - 63.1)
Women Who Were Asked About the Kind of Work They Do During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)63.4 (58.4 - 68.1)
Women Who Were Tested for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) During Any Pre-Pregnancy Health Care Visit (PRAMS)40.4 (35.6 - 45.4)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About Preparing for a Pregnancy (PRAMS)25.8 (22.5 - 29.4)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About Getting Their Vaccines Updated Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)45.9 (38.2 - 53.8)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About Visiting a Dentist or Dental Hygienist Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)37.3 (30.1 - 45.1)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About Getting Counseling for Any Genetic Diseases That Run in Their Family Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)26.3 (19.9 - 33.8)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About Getting Counseling or Treatment for Depression or Anxiety Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)26.6 (20.3 - 34.1)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About the Safety of Using Prescription or Over-The-Counter Medicines During Pregnancy Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)56.7 (48.8 - 64.2)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About How Smoking During Pregnancy Can Affect a Baby Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)54.3 (46.4 - 62)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About How Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy Can Affect a Baby Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)59.6 (51.7 - 67.1)
Women Who Talked With a Health Care Worker About How Using Illegal Drugs During Pregnancy Can Affect a Baby Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)54.1 (46.2 - 61.8)
Pre-Pregnancy Health Conditions
Women Who Had Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)1.6 (0.9 - 2.7)
Women Who Had High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)4.9 (3.6 - 6.8)
Women Who Had Depression Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)12.4 (10.1 - 15)
Women Who Had Asthma Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)9.8 (7.8 - 12.3)
Women Who Had Anemia Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)19.4 (16.7 - 22.3)
Women Who Had Heart Problems Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)1.7 (0.9 - 3)
Women Who Had Epilepsy Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)1 (0.4 - 2.2)
Women Who Had Thyroid Problems Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)5.5 (3.9 - 7.7)
Women Who Had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)6.2 (4.6 - 8.3)
Women Who Had Anxiety Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)23.6 (20.5 - 27)
Pre-Pregnancy Health Insurance Coverage
Women Who Did Not Have Any Health Insurance Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)20.4 (17.5 - 23.7)
Women Who Had Medicaid Health Insurance Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)22.2 (19.4 - 25.4)
Women Who Had Private Health Insurance From Their Job or the Job of Their Husband or Partner Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)45 (41.3 - 48.8)
Women Who Had Tricare or Other Military Health Care Insurance Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)3.7 (2.5 - 5.5)
Women Who Had Private Health Insurance From the Health Insurance Marketplace or Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)5.2 (3.7 - 7.1)
Women Who Had Private Health Insurance From Their Parents Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)6.2 (4.7 - 8.3)
Pre-Pregnancy Weight
Women Who Were Underweight Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)2.6 (1.6 - 4.2)
Women Who Were at a Healthy Weight Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)41.4 (37.6 - 45.3)
Women Who Were Overweight Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)25.1 (21.9 - 28.6)
Women Who Were Obese Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)30.9 (27.5 - 34.5)
Women Who Were Dieting Before Pregnancy (PRAMS)34.8 (31.2 - 38.6)
Pregnancy Intent
Women With Unintended Pregnancies (PRAMS)31.4 (28 - 35.1)
Women With Mistimed Pregnancies (PRAMS)23.5 (20.4 - 26.9)
Women With Unwanted Pregnancies (PRAMS)8 (6.3 - 10)
Women With Intended Pregnancies (PRAMS)51.5 (47.7 - 55.3)
Prenatal Care
Women Who Received a Flu Shot in the 12 Months Before Birth (PRAMS)41.4 (37.7 - 45.3)
7/27/2024 1:39:25 AM

Data Note(s) is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.

Data Source: Florida Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Florida Department of Health, Division of Community Health Promotion

  • Underweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5.

  • Healthy weight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.10.

  • Overweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) between 25.0 and 29.10.

  • Obese is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 or more.

  • Unintented pregnancies are defined as reporting not wanting to be pregnant then or at any time in the future or wanting to be pregnant later just before they got pregnant.

  • Mistimed pregnancies are defined as reporting wanting to be pregnant later just before they got pregnant.

  • Unwanted pregnancies are defined as reporting not wanting to be pregnant then or at any time in the future just before they got pregnant.

  • Intended pregnancies are defined as reporting wanting to be pregnant then or sooner when they got pregnant.

  • Using birth control is defined as reporting doing anything to keep from getting pregnant when they got pregnant with their new baby among those who reported not trying to get pregnant.

  • Any alcoholic drink is defined as 1 glass of wine, wine cooler, can or bottle of beer, shot of liquor or mixed drink.

  • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is defined as being pushed, hit, slapped, kicked, choked, or physically hurt in any way by a husband/partner.

  • Using contraception is defined as using any kind of birth control postpartum (female or male sterilization; intrauterine device (IUD); contraceptive implant; birth control pills; shots or injections; contraceptive patch; vaginal ring; condoms; rhythm method/natural family planning.

  • Depressive symptoms are defined as reporting feeling, down, depressed, hopeless or having little interest or pleasure in doing things they usually enjoyed either always or often.

  • Women Whose Baby is Placed to Sleep on a Separate Approved Sleep Surface is defined as a composite of five items indicating how the infant usually slept in the past 2 weeks: 1) alone in their own crib or bed (always/often versus sometimes/rarely/never); 2) in a crib, bassinet, or pack and play; 3) not in a standard bed; 4) not

  • Women Whose Baby is Placed to Sleep Without Soft Objects or Loose Bedding is defined as a composite of three items indicating that the infant usually slept without 1) blankets; 2) toys, cushions, or pillows; and 3) crib bumper pads

  • Prevalence is excluded (blank cells) from the tables for any subpopulation with a sample size less than 30, which would yield statistically unreliable estimates.

  • Confidence intervals - Because PRAMS is a random survey and all estimates of prevalence are subject to random sample errors, we include 95% confidence intervals (CI) with each prevalence (%). The confidence interval ranges appear in parentheses.

  • This is primary, quantitative data.