Pregnancy and Young Child Profile

Pregnancy and Young Child Profile, Alachua County, Florida
IndicatorRate TypeYear(s)Quartile
(Most to Least Favorable)
County NumberCounty RateState Comparison
Community Characteristics
Per 100,000 population2019-2132,577317.2302.7
Percent of births2019-212911.23.5
Women of Childbearing Age
Birth Family Characteristics
Per 1,000 females 15-192019-2112998.814.9
Percent of births 15-192019-2123511.713.5
Per 1,000 females > 352019-2141,1255.85.1
Percent of births2019-2113,49844.746.7
Percent of births 15-192019-21428796.093.5
Percent of births 15-442019-2113,49244.746.7
Percent of births2019-2136,77786.588.6
Percent of births > 182019-2115236.99.4
Percent of births2019-2131,36317.432.9
Pre-conception Health and Behaviors
Percent of females > 17201913.315.1
Percent of females > 17201913.513.9
Percent of females > 17201649.548.4
Percent of females > 17201972.577.1
Per 100,000 females 15-34202142,0493,789.32,917.1
Percent of births2019-2132863.83.4
Percent of births2019-2111,86824.927.9
Percent of births2019-2122,18729.128.0
Listeriosis Among Women (Aged 15-44)Per 100,000 Female Population 15-442019-21 00.00.5
Varicella Among Women (Aged 15-44)Per 100,000 Females 15-442019-212146.89.4
Pregnancy and Mother's Health Behaviors
Percent of births2019-2113174.03.6
Per 100,000 Females 15-442019-21104.88.8
Percent of births2019-2121,70822.822.9
Percent of births2019-2131,70938.635.5
Percent of births w/ known PNC status2019-2115,56079.175.3
Percent of births w/ known PNC status2019-2114526.47.7
Percent of births w/ known PNC status2019-2124,92371.566.6
Percent of births2019-2132633.45.6
Percent of births2019-2113,36143.146.4
Percent of births2019-2112,44731.236.0
Infants (Under 1)
Per 1,000 population202122,5809.49.8
Per 1,000 white population202121,5918.39.1
Per 1,000 black population2021479214.012.3
Per 1,000 other nonwhite population202121937.411.1
Per 1,000 hispanic population202112759.311.7
Per 1,000 non-hispanic population202132,2989.39.0
Percent of VLBW births2019-21213080.779.0
Percent of births2019-2143664.74.1
Percent of births2019-2141612.11.6
Percent of births2019-21482710.68.8
Percent of births2019-2131,24415.914.3
Per 10,000 births2014-20182618.418.8
Per 10,000 births2014-201896.412.7
Per 100,000 population < 12019-2131261,633.01,189.2
Per 100,000 Population Under 12019-21430388.8241.4
Hepatitis B, Acute (Aged Under 1 Year)Count2019-2100.00
Pertussis (Aged Under 1 Year)Per 100,000 Population Under 12019-2100.043.0
Salmonellosis (Aged Under 1 Year)Per 100,000 Population Under 12019-21 1001,296.01,293.6
Per 100,000 population < 12019-21428362.9201.3
Per 100,000 population < 12019-2122653,434.43,832.6
Per 100,000 population < 12019-21313168.5161.9
Maternal Morbidity and Fetal, Infant and Maternal Deaths
Per 1,000 Delivery Hospitalizations202124618.123.8
Per 1,000 deliveries2019-213617.77.0
Per 1,000 live births2019-214587.44.0
Per 1,000 live births2019-213202.61.9
Per 1,000 live births2019-2147810.05.9
Per 1,000 live births2019-214357.64.3
Per 1,000 live births2019-2123012.311.0
Per 1,000 live births2019-2189.94.8
Per 1,000 live births2019-214689.76.2
Per 1,000 live births2019-21260.80.9
Per 100,000 Live Births2019-2100.027.3
Children Ages 1-5
Percent of Pre-K students202128346.961.0
Percent of KG students2021297249.053.4
Per 100,000 population 1-52019-212303345.2293.3
Per 1,000 population 1-52019-21280.22.7
Percent of population < 52019-2113470.82.6
Per 1,000 population < 132019-2149,19685.669.9
Percent of 4-yr olds202111776.321.5
Per 1,000 Children in voluntary Pre-K20214153864.4414.0
Percent of WIC children >= 22021226.929.7
Percent of WIC children >= 2202119.712.9
Percent of WIC children >= 22021317.216.7
Percent of 2-yr olds2021176.576.2
Percent of KG students202132,05794.393.3
Per 100,000 population 0-52019-21122,70445,372.154,784.2
Per 100,000 population 1-52019-214349824.6360.9
Per 100,000 population under 52021490651.2422.6
Cryptosporidiosis (Aged 0-5 Years)Per 100,000 Population Under 62019-21 816.07.2
Per 100,000 Population Under 52019-2137.22.8
Meningococcal Disease (Aged 0-4 Years)Count2019-2100.014
Mumps (Aged 0-4 Years)Count2019-2100.010
Pertussis (Aged 1-5 Years)Per 100,000 Population 1-52019-2124.77.5
Rubella, CongenitalCount2019-2100.00
Shigellosis (Aged 0-5 Years)Per 100,000 Population Under 62019-21 816.029.6
Per 100,000 Population Under 62019-2124.04.9
Per 100,000 Population2019-212131.62.6
Varicella (Aged 0-4 Years)Per 100,000 Population Under 52019-21614.431.8
Death and Injuries Among Children Ages 1-5
Per 100,000 Population2019-211228.424.3
Per 100,000 Population2019-21511.89.8
Per 100,000 Population2019-2124.71.7
Per 100,000 Population2019-2100.00.5
Per 100,000 population 1-52019-214138326.1122.8
Per 100,000 population 1-52019-2112.46.0
Per 100,000 population 1-52019-2142149.624.2
Per 100,000 population 1-52019-213162382.8298.2
Per 100,000 population 1-52019-21217064,030.83,785.8
Per 100,000 population 1-52019-214214505.6325.7
7/27/2024 12:50:05 AM

Data Note(s) is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.

  • Population - Rates are calculated using July 1 population estimates from the Florida Legislature, Office of Economic and Demographic Research which have been allocated by race based on information from the US Bureau of the Census.

  • Counts - Counts for indicators displaying a 3-year rate are an average count of events over 3 years, NOT a sum. Blank spaces in this column indicate that no count is available for the indicator. A count of less than 2 indicates an average of less than 2 events per year over a 3 year period. Hospitalization counts are suppressed if there are between 1-4 cases. Cancer incidence counts are suppressed if there are less than 10 cases.

  • Rates - Rates based on fewer than 5 events over a 3 year period are unstable. When the rates are based on only a few cases or deaths, it is almost impossible to distinguish random fluctuation from true changes All age-adjusted rates utilize the Year 2000 Standard Population Proportion.

  • Blanks indicate that data is not available for the specified time period.

  • Data sources and notes are located on the linked pages for each indicator.