Florida High School Youth Risk Behaviors (State Level Data)

Florida High School Youth Risk Behaviors - 2021
Listing of Indicators for the Selected YearOverall
Dietary Behaviors
High School Students Who Did Not Eat Fruit or Drink 100% Fruit Juices (HS-YRBS)8.8 (7.8 - 9.9)
High School Students Who Ate Fruit or Drank 100% Fruit Juices One or More Times per Day (HS-YRBS)52.2 (49.8 - 54.7)
High School Students Who Ate Fruit or Drank 100% Fruit Juices Two or More Times per Day (HS-YRBS)26.5 (24.7 - 28.3)
High School Students Who Did Not Eat Vegetables (HS-YRBS)11.3 (9.9 - 12.7)
High School Students Who Ate Vegetables One or More Times per Day (HS-YRBS)52.5 (49.9 - 55.1)
High School Students Who Ate Vegetables Two or More Times per Day (HS-YRBS)21.7 (20 - 23.4)
High School Students Who Ate Vegetables Three or More Times per Day (HS-YRBS)11.9 (10.6 - 13.1)
High School Students Who Did Not Drink Milk (HS-YRBS)38.6 (37 - 40.3)
High School Students Who Drank One or More Glasses per Day of Milk (HS-YRBS)20.7 (19 - 22.3)
High School Students Who Drank Three or More Glasses per Day of Milk (HS-YRBS)4.8 (4.1 - 5.5)
High School Students Who Did Not Drink Soda or Pop (HS-YRBS)33.1 (31.2 - 35)
High School Students Who Drank a Can, Bottle or Glass of Soda or Pop One or More Times per Day (HS-YRBS)14.9 (13.5 - 16.4)
High School Students Who Drank a Can, Bottle or Glass of Soda or Pop Two or More Times per Day (HS-YRBS)8.7 (7.4 - 10)
High School Students Who Did Not Eat Breakfast (HS-YRBS)22.7 (21 - 24.4)
High School Students Who Ate at Least One Meal or Snack From a Fast Food Restaurant on Three or More Days (HS-YRBS)27.5 (25.4 - 29.7)
High School Students Who Ate Dinner at Home With at Least One of Their Parents on Four or More Days (HS-YRBS)62.5 (60.5 - 64.5)
High School Students Who Did Not Drink a Sugar-Sweetened Beverage (HS-YRBS)28.2 (26.3 - 30)
High School Students Who Drank a Can, Bottle or Glass of a Sugar-Sweetened Beverage One or More Times per Day (HS-YRBS)17.9 (16.4 - 19.3)
Obesity, Overweight and Weight Control
High School Students Who Had Obesity (HS-YRBS)16.4 (14.4 - 18.4)
High School Students Who Were Overweight (HS-YRBS)16.5 (15 - 17.9)
High School Students Who Described Themselves as Slightly or Very Overweight (HS-YRBS)31.6 (29.8 - 33.5)
High School Students Who Were Trying to Lose Weight (HS-YRBS)44.7 (43 - 46.3)
Other Health Topics
High School Students Who Saw a Dentist (HS-YRBS)63.7 (61 - 66.4)
High School Students Who Got Eight or More Hours of Sleep (HS-YRBS)21.6 (19.9 - 23.2)
High School Students Who Most of the Time or Always Wear Sunscreen With an SPF of 15 or Higher (HS-YRBS)11.8 (10.4 - 13.2)
High School Students Who Have a Disability or Long-Term Health Problem That Keeps Them From Doing Everyday Activities (HS-YRBS)6 (4.9 - 7)
High School Students Who Provide Care For Someone in Their Family or Household Who is Chronically Ill, Elderly, or Disabled With Activities They Would Have Difficulty Doing on Their Own (HS-YRBS)14.4 (13.2 - 15.7)
Physical Activity
High School Students Who Did Not Participate in at Least 60 Minutes of Physical Activity on at Least One Day (HS-YRBS)20.4 (18.9 - 22)
High School Students Who Were Physically Active at Least 60 Minutes per Day on Five or More Days (HS-YRBS)39.3 (37 - 41.5)
High School Students Who Were Physically Active at Least 60 Minutes per Day on All Seven Days (HS-YRBS)22.5 (21.1 - 24)
High School Students Who Attended Physical Education (PE) Classes on One or More Days (HS-YRBS)37.9 (34.6 - 41.1)
High School Students Who Played on at Least One Sports Team (HS-YRBS)44.5 (42 - 47)
High School Students Who Had a Concussion From Playing a Sport or Being Physically Active (HS-YRBS)12.3 (11 - 13.5)
High School Students Who Spent Three or More Hours per Day on Screen Time (HS-YRBS)75.1 (73.6 - 76.6)
Sexual Behaviors
High School Students Who Ever Had Sexual Intercourse (HS-YRBS)36.1 (34.1 - 38)
High School Students Who Had Sexual Intercourse for the First Time Before Age 13 Years (HS-YRBS)3.3 (2.7 - 3.9)
High School Students Who Are Currently Sexually Active (HS-YRBS)24.5 (22.7 - 26.3)
High School Students Who Had Sexual Intercourse With Four or More Persons (HS-YRBS)8.7 (7.7 - 9.8)
High School Students Who Used a Condom During Last Sexual Intercourse (HS-YRBS)50.9 (46.8 - 55.1)
High School Students Who Used Birth Control Pills Before Last Sexual Intercourse (HS-YRBS)23.1 (19.5 - 26.6)
High School Students Who Used an IUD or Implant Before Last Sexual Intercourse (HS-YRBS)16.6 (9.9 - 23.2)
High School Students Who Did Not Use Any Method to Prevent Pregnancy During Last Sexual Intercourse (HS-YRBS)12.8 (10.2 - 15.4)
High School Students Who Drank Alcohol or Used Drugs Before Last Sexual Intercourse (HS-YRBS)20 (17.4 - 22.6)
High School Students Who Were Ever Tested For Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (HS-YRBS)8.2 (7 - 9.3)
Substance Use
High School Students Who Had Their First Drink of Alcohol Before Age 13 Years (HS-YRBS)14.2 (12.7 - 15.6)
High School Students Who Currently Drink Alcohol (HS-YRBS)23.7 (21.4 - 25.9)
High School Students Who Currently Are Binge Drinking (HS-YRBS)12.2 (10.6 - 13.9)
High School Students Who Ever Used Marijuana (HS-YRBS)31.9 (30 - 33.8)
High School Students Who Tried Marijuana for the First Time Before Age 13 Years (HS-YRBS)5.6 (4.6 - 6.5)
High School Students Who Currently Use Marijuana (HS-YRBS)17.2 (15.7 - 18.7)
High School Students Who Ever Took Prescription Pain Medicine Without a Doctor's Prescription or Differently Than How a Doctor Told Them to Use It (HS-YRBS)13.7 (12.2 - 15.1)
High School Students Who Ever Used Cocaine (HS-YRBS)3.3 (2.5 - 4.2)
Tobacco Use
High School Students Who Ever Tried Cigarette Smoking (HS-YRBS)14.7 (13.2 - 16.2)
High School Students Who Currently Smoke Cigarettes (HS-YRBS)3.3 (2.6 - 4.1)
High School Students Who First Tried Cigarette Smoking Before Age 13 Years (HS-YRBS)5.9 (4.9 - 6.9)
High School Students Who Currently Smoke Cigarettes Daily (HS-YRBS)0.7 (0.4 - 1.1)
High School Students Who Currently Smoke Cigarettes Frequently (HS-YRBS)0.9 (0.5 - 1.3)
Unintentional Injuries and Violence
High School Students Who Rarely or Never Wore a Seat Belt (HS-YRBS)5.8 (4.9 - 6.6)
High School Students Who Reported That Their Property Had Been Stolen or Deliberately Damaged on School Property (HS-YRBS)14 (12.4 - 15.5)
High School Students Who Were in a Physical Fight on School Property (HS-YRBS)6.1 (5.1 - 7.2)
High School Students Who Were in a Physical Fight (HS-YRBS)18.9 (17.5 - 20.2)
High School Students Who Were Injured in a Physical Fight (HS-YRBS)3.2 (2.6 - 3.8)
High School Students Who Were Ever Physically Forced to Have Sexual Intercourse (HS-YRBS)8 (6.9 - 9.1)
High School Students Who Experienced Sexual Violence by Anyone (HS-YRBS)11.1 (9.9 - 12.4)
High School Students Who Experienced Sexual Dating Violence (HS-YRBS)8.1 (7.1 - 9.2)
High School Students Who Experienced Physical Dating Violence (HS-YRBS)8.1 (6.9 - 9.4)
High School Students Who Were Bullied on School Property (HS-YRBS)12.7 (11.1 - 14.3)
High School Students Who Were Electronically Bullied (HS-YRBS)12.9 (11.4 - 14.3)
High School Students Who Drove a Car or Other Vehicle When They Had Been Drinking Alcohol (HS-YRBS)4.5 (3.4 - 5.5)
High School Students Who Were the Victim of Teasing or Name Calling Because Someone Thought They Were Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual (HS-YRBS)11.5 (10.3 - 12.6)
High School Students Who Were the Victim of Teasing or Name Calling Because of Their Weight, Size or Physical Appearance (HS-YRBS)25.4 (23.5 - 27.3)
High School Students Who Felt Sad or Hopeless (HS-YRBS)39.3 (36.8 - 41.8)
High School Students Who Did Something to Purposely Hurt Themselves Without Wanting to Die (HS-YRBS)18.8 (17.2 - 20.5)
High School Students Who Seriously Considered Attempting Suicide (HS-YRBS)17.7 (16 - 19.4)
High School Students Who Made a Plan About How They Would Attempt Suicide (HS-YRBS)13.8 (12.5 - 15.2)
High School Students Who Attempted Suicide (HS-YRBS)8.9 (7.6 - 10.2)
High School Students Whose Suicide Attempt Resulted in an Injury, Poisoning or Overdose That Had to be Treated by a Doctor or Nurse (HS-YRBS)2.7 (2 - 3.3)
High School Students Who Rode With a Driver Who Had Been Drinking Alcohol (HS-YRBS)14.8 (13.5 - 16.2)
High School Students Who Texted or Emailed While Driving a Car or Other Vehicle (HS-YRBS)35.2 (32.3 - 38)
High School Students Who Used a Handheld Device to Talk or Use Apps While Driving a Car or Other Vehicle (HS-YRBS)40.9 (37.8 - 44)
High School Students Who Carried a Weapon (HS-YRBS)14.1 (12.6 - 15.7)
High School Students Who Carried a Weapon on School Property (HS-YRBS)2.2 (1.5 - 2.8)
High School Students Who Were Threatened or Injured With a Weapon on School Property (HS-YRBS)6.2 (5.3 - 7.1)
High School Students Who Did Not Go to School Because They Felt Unsafe at School or on Their Way to or From School (HS-YRBS)10.8 (8.9 - 12.6)
7/27/2024 1:01:47 AM

Data Note(s)

Data Source:

  • Confidence intervals – Because the YRBS is a survey and all estimates of prevalence are subject to random sample errors, we include 95% confidence intervals with each prevalence (%) in the tables. The confidence interval ranges appear below the prevalence estimates in parentheses.

  • This is secondary, quantitative data.