Florida Youth Tobacco Survey Data

Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey, State Total - 2023
Listing of Indicators for the Selected YearOverall
Students With Asthma Who Went to the Emergency Department or Urgent Care Center Due to Asthma One or More Times During the Past Year (FYTS)19.9 (17.7 - 22.1)
Students Who Currently Have Asthma (FYTS)8.8 (8.1 - 9.5)
Students With Asthma Who Went to the Emergency Department or Urgent Care Center Due to Asthma Four or More Times During the Past Year (FYTS)4.4 (3.3 - 5.5)
Students Who Have Ever Been Diagnosed With Asthma (FYTS)17.4 (16.4 - 18.3)
Body Mass Index
Students Who Are Overweight or Obese (FYTS)30.2 (28.8 - 31.6)
Students Who Are Underweight (FYTS)4.4 (3.8 - 5)
Students Who Are at a Healthy Weight (FYTS)65.3 (63.9 - 66.8)
Students Who Are Obese (FYTS)14.7 (13.6 - 15.7)
Students Who Are Overweight (FYTS)15.6 (14.5 - 16.6)
Cigar Use
Students Who Have Ever Tried Smoking Cigars (FYTS)4.1 (3.6 - 4.6)
Students Who Have Smoked Cigars in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)1.5 (1.2 - 1.8)
Students Who Have Smoked Flavored Cigars in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)1.3 (1 - 1.5)
Students Who Have Ever Been Offered Cigars by Their Parents (FYTS)1.5 (1.2 - 1.8)
Students Who Have Ever Tried Smoking Flavored Cigars (FYTS)2.3 (1.9 - 2.6)
Cigarette Use
Students Who Began Using Cigarettes Before Age 13 (FYTS)3.2 (2.7 - 3.6)
Students Who Have Ever Tried Smoking Cigarettes (FYTS)7.1 (6.4 - 7.8)
Student Smokers Who Usually Smoke Menthol Cigarettes (FYTS)24.9 (20.6 - 29.2)
Students Who Have Smoked Flavored Cigarettes in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)1.3 (1 - 1.6)
Students Who Are Current Cigarette Smokers (Smoked in the Past 30 Days) (FYTS)1.3 (1 - 1.6)
Students Who Are Frequent Smokers (Smoked 20 or More Days Out of the Past 30 Days) (FYTS)0.5 (0.3 - 0.6)
Students Who Have Ever Been Offered Cigarettes by Their Parents (FYTS)1.6 (1.2 - 1.9)
Students Who Have Ever Tried Smoking Flavored Cigarettes (FYTS)2.8 (2.4 - 3.2)
Electronic Vapor Product Use
Student Users of Electronic Vapor Products Who Have Used an Electronic Vapor Product With Nicotine (FYTS)54.4 (51.3 - 57.5)
Students Who Have Ever Used a Flavored Electronic Vapor Product (FYTS)7.9 (7.2 - 8.5)
Students Who Have Used a Flavored Electronic Vapor Product in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)3.9 (3.5 - 4.4)
Students Who Have Ever Used an Electronic Vapor Product (FYTS)17.9 (16.8 - 18.9)
Students Who Have Used an Electronic Vapor Product in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)9.7 (8.8 - 10.5)
Student Users of Electronic Vapor Products Who Have Used an Electronic Vapor Product With Marijuana Oil (FYTS)39.8 (36.8 - 42.7)
Students Who Have Ever Been Offered Electronic Vapor Products by Their Parents (FYTS)2.7 (2.3 - 3.1)
Health Care Access
Students Who Have Not Visited a Doctor's Office in the Past 12 Months (FYTS)28.5 (27.4 - 29.5)
Students Who Have Not Visited a Dentist's Office in the Past 12 Months (FYTS)26.2 (25.3 - 27.2)
Hookah Use
Students Who Have Ever Tried Smoking Hookah (FYTS)4.1 (3.6 - 4.6)
Students Who Have Smoked Hookah in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)1.7 (1.4 - 2.1)
Students Who Have Ever Been Offered Hookah by Their Parents (FYTS)1.5 (1.2 - 1.8)
Media & Advertisements
Students Who Saw Tobacco Advertisements the Last Time They Visited a Retail Store (FYTS)66.8 (65.6 - 68)
Students Who Heard Electronic Vapor Product Advertisements on the Radio or Saw Them on TV, the Internet, Billboards or Outdoor Signs, or in Newspapers and Magazines in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)56.2 (55 - 57.4)
Students Who Saw Characters Smoking Cigars in the Last Movie, Video or Show They Watched on TV or the Internet (FYTS)39.5 (38.2 - 40.7)
Students Who Saw Characters Using Smokeless Tobacco in the Last Movie, Video or Show They Watched on TV or the Internet (FYTS)18.1 (17.2 - 19.1)
Students Who Have Ever Seen Any Flavored Tobacco Products or Any Advertising for Them (FYTS)45.2 (43.9 - 46.4)
Students Who Saw Characters Smoking Cigarettes in the Last Movie, Video or Show They Watched on TV or the Internet (FYTS)52.6 (51.3 - 53.9)
Students Who Saw Characters Using Electronic Vapor Products in the Last Movie, Video or Show They Watched on TV or the Internet (FYTS)27.6 (26.5 - 28.7)
Students Who Saw Characters Using Hookah in the Last Movie, Video or Show They Watched on TV or the Internet (FYTS)17.5 (16.5 - 18.4)
Mental Health
Students Who, in the Past Year, Did Something to Purposely Hurt Themselves Without Wanting to Die (FYTS)17.7 (16.8 - 18.6)
Students Who, in the Past Year, Felt Sad or Hopeless for Two or More Weeks in a Row and Stopped Doing Usual Activities (FYTS)30.5 (29.2 - 31.8)
Quitting Tobacco
Student Smokers Who Have Tried to Quit Smoking Cigarettes in the Past 12 Months (FYTS)47.3 (41.3 - 53.3)
Student Smokers Who, in the Past Year, Attended a Program in Their School or Community to Help Them Stop Smoking Cigarettes (FYTS)9.8 (4.4 - 15.1)
Student Smokers Who, in the Past Year, Called a Quit Line or Used a Quit Line Service on the Internet to Help Them Quit Smoking Cigarettes (FYTS)11.1 (5.9 - 16.4)
Student Smokers Who, in the Past Year, Used Nicotine Gum, a Nicotine Patch or Medications to Help Them Stop Smoking Cigarettes (FYTS)7.5 (3.1 - 11.9)
Student Smokers Who, in the Past Year, Used an Electronic Vapor Product to Help Them Stop Smoking Cigarettes (FYTS)29.5 (22.4 - 36.6)
Student Smokers Who Are Thinking About Quitting Smoking Within the Next Six Months (FYTS)16.6 (11.6 - 21.7)
Students Who Ever Tried Nicotine Pouches or Nicotine Lozenges (FYTS)2.3 (2 - 2.7)
Students Who Used Nicotine Pouches or Nicotine Lozenges in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)1.4 (1.1 - 1.7)
Students Who Did Not Go to School Because They Felt They Would Be Unsafe at School or on Their Way to School in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)15.8 (14.8 - 16.7)
Secondhand Smoke Exposure
Students Who Live With Someone Who Smokes Cigarettes (FYTS)15.4 (14.5 - 16.3)
Students Who Live With Someone Who Smokes Cigars (FYTS)6.8 (6.2 - 7.4)
Students Who Live With Someone Who Uses Smokeless Tobacco (FYTS)4.4 (3.9 - 4.9)
Students Who Live With Someone Who Uses Hookah (FYTS)3.7 (3.3 - 4.2)
Students Who Live With Someone Who Uses Electronic Vapor Products (FYTS)15.2 (14.3 - 16)
Students Who, in the Past 30 Days, Were in the Same Room or Rode in a Car With Someone Who Was Smoking Cigarettes (FYTS)43 (41.8 - 44.3)
Students Who, in the Past 30 Days, Were in the Same Room or Rode in a Car With Someone Who Was Smoking Cigarettes or Using an Electronic Vapor Product (FYTS)56.7 (55.4 - 58)
Students Who, in the Past 30 Days, Were in the Same Room or Rode in a Car With Someone Who Was Using an Electronic Vapor Product (FYTS)50.2 (48.9 - 51.5)
Smokeless Tobacco Use
Students Who Have Ever Used Smokeless Tobacco (Chewing Tobacco, Snuff or Dip) (FYTS)2.7 (2.2 - 3.1)
Students Who Have Used Flavored Smokeless Tobacco in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)5.6 (5 - 6.2)
Students Who Have Used Smokeless Tobacco in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)1.1 (0.8 - 1.4)
Students Who Have Ever Been Offered Smokeless Tobacco by Their Parents (FYTS)1.3 (1 - 1.5)
Students Who Have Ever Tried Using Flavored Smokeless Tobacco (FYTS)10.8 (10 - 11.6)
Thoughts about Cigarettes
Students Who Think Smoking Cigarettes Helps People Maintain or Control Body Weight (FYTS)8.8 (8.1 - 9.6)
Students Who Do Not Think People Can Get Addicted to Cigarettes (FYTS)11.8 (10.9 - 12.7)
Students Who Think Cigarettes Help People Feel More Comfortable at Parties or in Social Situations (FYTS)28.4 (26.9 - 29.8)
Students Who Think Cigarettes Help People Relieve Stress (FYTS)41.9 (40.4 - 43.4)
Students Who Think Cigarettes Make Young People Look Cool or Fit In (FYTS)8.4 (7.6 - 9.1)
Students Who Think It Would Be Easy to Quit Smoking Cigarettes (FYTS)13.9 (12.9 - 14.9)
Students Who Think People in Their Community View Cigarette Smoking Among Adults as Acceptable (FYTS)41 (39.3 - 42.8)
Students Who Think Their Friends View Cigarette Smoking Among Adults as Acceptable (FYTS)26.1 (24.6 - 27.6)
Students Who Think Young People Who Smoke Cigarettes Have More Friends (FYTS)16.5 (15.4 - 17.6)
Thoughts about Cigars
Students Who Think It Would Be Easy to Quit Smoking Cigars (FYTS)18.5 (17.4 - 19.6)
Students Who Think Smoking Cigars Makes Young People Look Cool or Fit In (FYTS)7.6 (6.9 - 8.2)
Students Who Think Young People Who Smoke Cigars Have More Friends (FYTS)14.8 (13.8 - 15.8)
Students Who Do Not Think People Can Get Addicted to Cigars (FYTS)15.8 (14.8 - 16.8)
Students Who Think Cigars Help People Feel More Comfortable at Parties or in Social Situations (FYTS)24.7 (23.3 - 26.1)
Students Who Think Cigars Help People Relieve Stress (FYTS)35.5 (34.1 - 37)
Thoughts about Electronic Vapor Products
Students Who Think Electronic Vapor Products Help People Relieve Stress (FYTS)46.4 (44.9 - 47.9)
Students Who Think It Would Be Easy to Quit Using Electronic Vapor Products (FYTS)16.6 (15.5 - 17.6)
Students Who Think Using Electronic Vapor Products Makes Young People Look Cool or Fit In (FYTS)16.2 (15.2 - 17.1)
Students Who Think Young People Who Use Electronic Vapor Products Have More Friends (FYTS)35 (33.5 - 36.5)
Students Who Do Not Think People Can Get Addicted to Electronic Vapor Products (FYTS)11.5 (10.6 - 12.4)
Students Who Think Electronic Vapor Products Help People Feel More Comfortable at Parties or in Social Situations (FYTS)43.1 (41.5 - 44.8)
Thoughts about Hookah
Students Who Think Hookah Helps People Feel More Comfortable at Parties or in Social Situations (FYTS)30.7 (29.2 - 32.1)
Students Who Think Hookah Helps People Relieve Stress (FYTS)35.8 (34.3 - 37.3)
Students Who Think It Would Be Easy to Quit Using Hookah (FYTS)19.6 (18.5 - 20.8)
Students Who Think Using Hookah Makes Young People Look Cool or Fit In (FYTS)8.8 (8.1 - 9.5)
Students Who Think Young People Who Use Hookah Have More Friends (FYTS)18.5 (17.3 - 19.6)
Students Who Do Not Think People Can Get Addicted to Hookah (FYTS)15.9 (14.9 - 17)
Thoughts about Secondhand Smoke
Students Who Think Secondhand Smoke From Cigarettes or Cigars Is Harmful (FYTS)85.5 (84.5 - 86.5)
Students Who Think Secondhand Smoke From Hookah Is Harmful (FYTS)78 (76.8 - 79.2)
Students Who Think Secondhand Smoke From Electronic Vapor Products Is Harmful (FYTS)75.1 (73.8 - 76.4)
Thoughts about Smokeless Tobacco
Students Who Think It Would Be Easy to Quit Using Smokeless Tobacco (FYTS)16.6 (15.5 - 17.7)
Students Who Think Smokeless Tobacco Helps People Feel More Comfortable at Parties or in Social Situations (FYTS)24 (22.7 - 25.4)
Students Who Think Smokeless Tobacco Helps People Relieve Stress (FYTS)33.8 (32.3 - 35.3)
Students Who Think Using Smokeless Tobacco Makes Young People Look Cool or Fit In (FYTS)7.4 (6.7 - 8)
Students Who Think Young People Who Use Smokeless Tobacco Have More Friends (FYTS)15.7 (14.7 - 16.8)
Students Who Do Not Think People Can Get Addicted to Smokeless Tobacco (FYTS)13.4 (12.5 - 14.3)
Tobacco at School
Students Who Said There is a Rule at Their School That No One is Allowed to Smoke Cigarettes on School Property (FYTS)86.7 (85.7 - 87.6)
Students Who Said There is a Rule at Their School That No One is Allowed to Use Smokeless Tobacco on School Property (FYTS)85.3 (84.3 - 86.3)
Students Who Said There is a Rule at Their School That No One is Allowed to Use Electronic Vapor Products on School Property (FYTS)86.7 (85.8 - 87.7)
Students Who Have Seen Students Using Cigarettes on School Property in the Past Year (FYTS)15.7 (14.7 - 16.8)
Students Who Have Seen Students Using Smokeless Tobacco on School Property in the Past Year (FYTS)13.5 (12.5 - 14.4)
Students Who Have Seen Students Using Electronic Vapor Products on School Property in the Past Year (FYTS)62.2 (60.9 - 63.6)
Students Who Have Seen Adults Using Cigarettes on School Property in the Past Year (FYTS)10.7 (9.9 - 11.4)
Students Who Have Seen Adults Using Smokeless Tobacco on School Property in the Past Year (FYTS)4.5 (3.9 - 5)
Students Who Have Seen Adults Using Electronic Vapor Products on School Property in the Past Year (FYTS)9.1 (8.4 - 9.8)
Students Who Have Smoked Cigars on School Property in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)0.4 (0.2 - 0.6)
Students Who Have Used an Electronic Vapor Product on School Property in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)4.2 (3.6 - 4.7)
Students Who Have Used Smokeless Tobacco on School Property in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)0.5 (0.3 - 0.7)
Students Who Smoked Cigarettes on School Property in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)0.4 (0.2 - 0.5)
Tobacco Education
Students Who, in the Past Year, Had a Dentist or Someone in a Dentist's Office Talk to Them About the Dangers of Tobacco (FYTS)13.2 (12.4 - 14)
Students Who, in the Past Year, Had a Doctor or Someone in a Doctor's Office Talk to Them About the Dangers of Tobacco (FYTS)24.8 (23.8 - 25.8)
Students Who, in the Past Year, Had a Parent or Guardian Talk to Them About the Dangers of Tobacco (FYTS)65.7 (64.5 - 66.8)
Students Who Have Participated in Community or School Events in the Past Year to Discourage People Their Age From Using Tobacco (FYTS)16.8 (15.9 - 17.7)
Students Who Were Taught About Tobacco in Their Classes During This School Year (FYTS)55.8 (54.4 - 57.2)
Students Who Are Active Members of Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) (FYTS)2.6 (2.3 - 3)
Students Who Are Active Members of Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) (Among Students Whose School Has a SWAT Group) (FYTS)3.9 (3.4 - 4.5)
Tobacco Product Use
Student Users of Tobacco Products Whose Parents Do Not Know They Use Tobacco (FYTS)56.1 (51.6 - 60.7)
Student Users of Tobacco Products Whose Parents Know They Use Tobacco and Don't Like It (FYTS)22.9 (18.7 - 27.1)
Student Users of Tobacco Products Whose Parents Know They Use Tobacco and Don't Mind It (FYTS)20.9 (17.1 - 24.8)
Students Who, in the Past 30 Days, Have Used Two or More of the Following: Cigarettes, Cigars, Smokeless Tobacco, Hookah or Electronic Vapor Products (FYTS)1.8 (1.5 - 2.2)
Students Who Have Ever Tried Cigarettes, Cigars or Smokeless Tobacco (FYTS)10.6 (9.8 - 11.4)
Students Who Have Ever Tried Cigarettes, Cigars, Smokeless Tobacco, Hookah or Electronic Vapor Products (FYTS)23.5 (22.4 - 24.7)
Students Who Have Used Cigarettes, Cigars, Hookah, Electronic Vapor Products, Flavored Cigarettes, Flavored Cigars or Flavored Electronic Vapor Products in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)12 (11.1 - 12.9)
Students Who Have Ever Tried Cigarettes, Cigars, Hookah, Electronic Vapor Products, Flavored Cigarettes, Flavored Cigars or Flavored Electronic Vapor Products (FYTS)23.6 (22.5 - 24.7)
Students Who Used Cigarettes, Cigars, Electronic Vapor Products or Hookah in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)11.4 (10.5 - 12.3)
Students Who Used Cigarettes, Cigars or Smokeless Tobacco in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)2.9 (2.5 - 3.3)
Students Who Used Cigarettes, Cigars, Smokeless Tobacco, Hookah or Electronic Vapor Products in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)11.6 (10.7 - 12.5)
Students Who Are Committed Never Smokers (Have Never Tried a Cigarette, Will Not Try Tobacco Products Within the Next Year and Would Not Try a Tobacco Product Even if Offered to Them by Their Best Friend) (FYTS)85.3 (84.4 - 86.2)
Students Who Have Ever Tried Cigarettes, Cigars, Hookah, Electronic Vapor Products, Flavored Cigarettes or Flavored Cigars (FYTS)23.1 (21.9 - 24.2)
Students Who Have Used Cigarettes, Cigars, Hookah, Electronic Vapor Products, Flavored Cigarettes or Flavored Cigars in the Past 30 Days (FYTS)11.6 (10.7 - 12.5)
Weight & Physical Activity
Students Who Were Physically Active for at Least 60 Minutes on All Seven of the Past Seven Days (FYTS)20.5 (19.5 - 21.5)
Students Who Are Trying to Lose Weight (FYTS)35 (33.8 - 36.1)
Students Who Describe Their Weight as Slightly or Very Overweight (FYTS)24.1 (23 - 25.2)
Students Who Describe Their Weight as Slightly or Very Underweight (FYTS)34.6 (33.5 - 35.7)
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Data Note(s)

Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Division of Community Health Promotion, Florida Youth Tobacco Survey (FYTS).

  • Prevalence is excluded (blank cells or missing years of data) from the tables for any subpopulation with a sample size less than 30, which would yield statistically unreliable estimates. Prevalence is also excluded for years when the survey question was not asked or for counties and subpopulations where data was not weighted due to low participation rate. Trend lines may be suppressed for certain subpopulations if data is excluded.

  • Confidence intervals – Because the FYTS is a survey and all estimates of prevalence are subject to random sample errors, we include 95% confidence intervals with each prevalence (%) in the tables. The confidence interval ranges appear below the prevalence estimates in parentheses.

  • Chart will display if there are at least three years of data.

  • Quartiles are calculated when data is available for at least 51 counties.

  • The wording of survey questions asking about electronic vaping has changed over time. From 2011 to 2014, the survey asked students about use of electronic cigarettes. In 2015 and later years, the survey asked about use of electronic vapor products.

  • For the indicator Percent of Students Who Saw Tobacco Advertisements the Last Time They Visited a Retail Store, the definition of retail store is a convenience store, gas station, pharmacy, grocery store, or big box store. A student who saw tobacco advertisements the last time they were in any of these store types will be classified as Yes for this indicator.

  • There was a change in survey question wording for the indicator Percent of Students Who Have Participated in Community or School Events in the Past Year to Discourage People Their Age From Using Tobacco. Prior to 2014, the question asked students about participation in events to discourage other from using cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or cigars. In 2014 and more recent years, the question also asks about hookah and electronic vapor products.

  • For the indicators on secondhand smoke exposure, the survey wording has changed between years. For data from 2010-2015, see the indicator Percent of students who were exposed to secondhand cigarette smoke in a room or car during the past 7 days. For data from 2016-2019, see the indicator Percent of students who, in the past 30 days, were in the same room or rode in a car with someone who was smoking cigarettes or using an electronic vapor product. For data from 2020 onward, see the indicator Percent of students who, in the past 30 days, were around someone who was smoking cigarettes or using an electronic vapor product.

  • This is primary, quantitative data.