Asthma Profile

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Data Note:

* The latest data is presented based on the year selected. Some data may be older because surveys are not conducted every year, and questions may differ in each year of the survey.

Data Source(s):

In this report, when cells are blank, data were not measured for the county or year selected. For survey data, only the percent is provided.

Rate ratios in this report compare rates of two populations, for example, the Black rate to the White rate. A ratio of 2:1 would mean that the Black rate is two times the White rate. A ratio of 0.5:1 would mean that the Black rate is half of the White rate. Rate ratios are not calculated when a rate is zero.

ACBS: Asthma Call Back Survey

AHCA: Agency for Health Care Administration

BRFSS: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

DEP: Department of Environmental Protection

EPHT: Environmental Public Health Tracking

FYTS: Florida Youth Tobacco Survey

NSCH: National Survey of Children’s Health

VS: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics

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