County Health Status Summary Profile - 2021

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Data Note(s)

1Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Community Health Assessment, Florida Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR)
2US Census Bureau
3Florida Department of Health Division of Community Health Promotion
4Florida Department of Health, Division of Medical Quality Assurance
5Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, Certificate of Need Office
6Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
7Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)
8University of Miami (FL) Medical School, Florida Cancer Data System
9Florida Department of Health, Division of Disease Control
10Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Immunization
11Florida Department of Law Enforcement
12Florida Department of Health, Contract Management System

All age-adjusted rates on this report are 3-year rates per 100,000 and are calculated using the 2000 Standard US Population and July 1 population estimates from the Florida Legislature, Office of Economic and Demographic Research. The population data for 2001-2010, along with rates affected by the population data, have been updated on FLHealthCHARTS. Following a census, it is customary to revise population projections for the intercensal years based on information from the latest census. Revising the population data from what was predicted to actual estimates ensures accurate accounting of the racial, ethnic, and gender distribution of the population. These changes affect the population data and rates calculated for your community.

View ICD Codes for death, cancer, and hospitalization indicators

ACounty Quartiles

Most favorable situation
(Lightest color on maps)
2 or 3
Least favorable situation
(Darkest color on maps)

Quartiles in this report allow you to compare your county’s data with other counties.
Calculation of quartiles require several steps to create the final results.
First, the county values are sorted from most favorable to least favorable.
Second, a rank is assigned based on the value for each county in relation to the preceding county. If a county has the same value as the preceding county, then the same rank is assigned.
Third, the ranking is divided into 4 groups. The number of counties in each group depends on how many counties had the same rank.

BCounty Trends

Trends over time are used to see if an indicator has improved or worsened. Statistical testing of the trend provides evidence that the trend is "better" or ""worse" and did not occur due to random variation.
Trends are only calculated when 5 or more consecutive years of data are available.
Blank in the trend column indicates the trend is not calculated.
Click here for more information about trends

Trend Values

Getting better Trend is getting better and the improvement is statistically significant
Getting worse Trend is getting worse and the change is statistically significant
No trend Trend is not statistically significant
Blank cell - Not enough data to compute a trend
For the 2007 report, no trend is available for entry into prenatal care due to a change in the measurement of this indicator in 2004.

CU.S. Healthy People 2030 Goal

U.S Healthy People 2030 is a national health promotion and disease prevention initiative. Its' goals are to increase the quality and years of healthy life and eliminate health disparities. More information available at: Goals are not available for every indicator.