American Indian/Alaskan Native Health* Profile

The following profile contain state-level data for those identifying as only American Indian/Alaskan Native.

American Indian/Alaskan Native Health* Profile, Florida
IndicatorYear(s)MeasureAmerican Indian NumberAmerican Indian RateState RateAmerican Indian/ Florida Rate Ratio
Socio-Demographic Characteristics
Median Household Income2021 5 yr estDollars$53,839$61,777n/a
Individuals Below Poverty Level2021 5 yr estPercent of Population9,59818.2%13.1%1.4:1
Unemployed Civilian Labor Force2021 5 yr estPercent of Population1,7287%5.3%1.3:1
Owner-Occupied Housing Units2021 5 yr estPercent of Population57.8%66.5%0.9:1
Individuals (Aged 1 Year and Older) That Lived in a Different House One Year Earlier2021 5 yr estPercent of Population16.2%13.4%1.2:1
Individuals With No High School Diploma (Aged 25 Years and Older)2021 5 yr estPercent of Population22.5%11%2:1
Access to Care
Adults Who Have a Personal Doctor2018Percent71.5%73.8%1:1
Adults Who Said Their Overall Health Was Good to Excellent2018Percent66%79.2%0.8:1
Adults With Any Type of Health Care Insurance Coverage2021 5 yr estPercent76%87.4%0.9:1
Maternal and Child Health
Births2022Per 1,000 Female Population345
Births (Aged 15-19 Years)2022Per 1,000 Female Population 15-1922
Repeat Births to Mothers (Aged 15-19 Years)2022Percent of Births to Mothers ages 15-1914.5%12.8%0.4:1
Births to Mothers Without High School Education (Aged 19 Years and Older)2022Percent of Births to Mothers over 187421.9%9.3%2.4:1
Resident Live Births to Mothers Who Smoked During Pregnancy2022Percent of Births61.7%2.3%0.7:1
Births to Mothers Who Were Overweight at Time Pregnancy Occurred2022Percent of Births10831.3%27.5%1.1:1
Births to Mothers Who Were Obese at Time Pregnancy Occurred2022Percent of Births10931.6%28.2%1.1:1
Mothers Who Initiate Breastfeeding2022Percent of Births30488.1%86.7%1:1
Births to Mothers With 1st Trimester Prenatal Care2022Percent of Births with Known Prenatal Care21765.8%71.6%0.9:1
Births to Mothers With 3rd Trimester or No Prenatal Care2022Percent of Births with Known Prenatal Care82.4%3.2%0.7:1
Births With Adequate Prenatal Care Based on Kotelchuck Index2022Percent of Births8023.2%21.4%1.1:1
Births With Inter-Pregnancy Interval <18 Months2022Percent of Births with Known Interval8036.2%
Live Births Under 1500 Grams (Very Low Birth Weight)2022Percent of Births30.9%1.6%0.6:1
Live Births Under 2500 Grams (Low Birth Weight)2022Percent of Births247%9.1%0.8:1
Preterm Births (<37 Weeks Gestation)2022Percent of Births298.4%10.6%0.8:1
Fetal Deaths (Stillbirths)2022Per 1,000 Deliveries00.00.00
Infant Mortality (Aged 0-364 Days)2022Per 1,000 Births514.56.02.4:1
Leading Causes of Death
Deaths From Cancer2020-2022Per 100,000 Population212193.9645.00.3:1
Deaths From Lung Cancer2020-2022Per 100,000 Population5247.6147.70.3:1
Deaths From Colorectal Cancer2020-2022Per 100,000 Population1614.655.30.3:1
Adults Who Received a Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy in the Past Five Years (Aged 50 Years and Older)2018Percent38.5%71.5%0.5:1
Adults Who Received a Blood Stool Test in the Past Year (Aged 50 Years and Older)2018Percent15.5%17.9%0.9:1
Deaths From Breast Cancer2020-2022Per 100,000 Females1630.584.60.4:1
Women Who Received a Mammogram in the Past Year (Aged 40 Years and Older)2018Percent65.6%59.5%1.1:1
Deaths From Prostate Cancer2020-2022Per 100,000 Males610.673.90.1:1
Men Who Received a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test in the Past Two Years (Aged 50 Years and Older)2016Percent72.7%67.5%1.1:1
Deaths From Cervical Cancer2020-2022Per 100,000 Females00.010.10:1
Women Who Received a Pap Test in the Past Year (Aged 18 Years and Older)2018Percent66.8%50.4%1.3:1
Cardiovascular Disease
Deaths From Coronary Heart Disease2020-2022Per 100,000 Population111101.5426.70.2:1
Adults Who Have Ever Been Told They Had a Heart Attack, Angina or Coronary Heart Disease2018Percent11.3%11%1:1
Deaths From Stroke2020-2022Per 100,000 Population3935.7218.50.2:1
Adults Who Have Ever Been Told They Had a Stroke2018Percent5.3%4.1%1.3:1
Injuries and Injury-related Deaths
Deaths From Homicide2020-2022Per 100,000 Population54.620.60.2:1
Deaths From Suicide2020-2022Per 100,000 Population2018.345.70.4:1
Deaths From Motor Vehicle Crashes2020-2022Per 100,000 Population3532.051.00.6:1
Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (CLRD)
Deaths From Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (CLRD)2020-2022Per 100,000 Population4944.8156.60.3:1
Deaths From Diabetes2020-2022Per 100,000 Population4238.4106.70.4:1
Adults Who Have Ever Been Told They Had Diabetes2018Percent11.8%12.6%0.9:1
Deaths From Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)2020-2022Per 100,000 Population00.09.00:1
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Diagnoses2020-2022Per 100,000 Population25.0
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Diagnoses2020-2022Per 100,000 Population54.4
Modifiable Behaviors Leading to Premature Death
Adults Who Are Current Smokers2018Percent19.9%14.5%1.4:1
Adults Who Are Obese2018Percent32.2%30.7%1:1
Adults Who Are Overweight2018Percent37.8%35.3%1.1:1
Adults Who Are Sedentary2018Percent28.7%26.8%1.1:1
Adults Who Consumed Five or More Servings of Fruits or Vegetables per Day2017Percent23.6%16.9%1.4:1
Adults Who Have Ever Been Told That They Have High Blood Cholesterol2018Percent26.8%40.7%0.7:1
4/24/2024 1:19:28 PM

Data Note(s) is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.

  • *Includes persons identifying as ONLY American Indian/Alaskan Native

  • Where rates are based on a sample, no number (count) is available.

  • If rates are shown as blank, data is not available.

  • The source of population estimates reported in this profile varies by year. From 2009-2015, population estimates are from the American Community Survey 5-year estimates. From 2016-2021, population estimates are based on the Florida Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research’s (EDR) midyear population estimates (July 1) with the American Indian/Alaska Native population determined using the racial proportions in the US Census Bureau’s population estimates.

  • The rate ratios in this report compare the American Indian rate to the total Florida rate.

  • A ratio of 2:1 means that the American Indian rate is two times the Florida rate. A ratio of 0.5:1 means that the American Indian rate is half of the Florida rate.

  • Data Sources:

  • Population Estimates - American Community Survey 5-year Estimates; Florida Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research’s (EDR)

  • Population Characteristics – U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-year Estimates

  • Behaviors and Experiences - Florida Department of Health, Division of Community Health Promotion, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey

  • Births and Deaths - Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics

  • HIV/AIDS - Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Communicable Diseases, HIV/AIDS Section